Mnemosyne - A Smokey Coffee Sipper

There is a tradition where one places a stroopwafel on top of a steaming cup of coffee in order to soften the caramel inside the pastry. This is something like that… or at least it started that way.



250ml brewed hot coffee, more info below

25ml chai concentrate, I prefer Dona

20ml maple syrup

3 dashes of barrel aged bitters

Hickory smoke (optional)

Stroopwafel (slightly less optional)


Brew the filter coffee using your pourover method of choice. For reference, I used the Monarch Blend from Onyx Coffee Lab. I would highly suggest using a medium roast coffee with a more traditional flavor profile for this drink, something chocolate and berry-forward.

Immediately after brewing, add the chai concentrate, maple syrup, and bitters. Stir to combine.

If you are not smoking this drink, simply top with a stroopwafel for 30-40 seconds before enjoying hot.

If you are smoking this drink, pour into serving glass and use a cocktail smoker to inject hickory smoke over the drink for 45 seconds. Quickly replace the smoker with a stroopwafel before serving.

To maximize the smoking effect, serve this drink in a tulip shaped glass or glencairn. What size you need will depend on if you plan on splitting this drink amongst people or consuming it as one serving. There are no rules here.